In this course you will learn what wetlands are and why they are important and how to leverage constructed and restored wetlands within the agricultural landscape to restore and improve water quality, reduce erosion, improve flood storage and reduce damage, and restore natural habitats while still enabling agricultural production.

This course introduces the new Agricultural Erosion and Sediment Control Manual.

After this course learners will be able to perform the following. Adopt good biosecurity management practices for entering livestock and poultry premises. Be familiar with personal protective equipment and understand proper procedures for donning and doffing. Recognize quarantine signs and know how to proceed on a quarantined premises. Recognize clinical signs in animals that could indicate a dangerous transmissible disease. Know how to report concerns to the Bureau of Animal Health and Diagnostic Services.

All horse owners are regulated under the Pennsylvania Clean Streams Law to manage manure and control sediment erosion on their operations.

This 3 part webinar series was recorded in the fall of 2020. Related web links and handouts are also included with this course.

This course is comprised of the PA4R Summer 2020 Nutrient Management Webinar Series.  Topics will relate to applying the Right Nutrient Sources at the Right Rate, Right Time, and Right Place.  The course has three modules.