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Reminder - Email Address Used for Your CWA Account

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Reminder - Email Address Used for Your CWA Account
by SEO Alert - Monday, August 22, 2022, 1:34 PM

E-mail Addresses Used for Your CWA Account - Your e-mail address is the official link that associates you to your CWA account. The system will not allow you to use more than one address affiliated with your account. The singular e-mail address you choose is our main point of contact to you and your training activity tabulations, which are finalized using this address. This should be the e-mail address that you provide to training sponsors since it is used for SEO training record verification and to push your completion and credit information to your account. It is highly recommended that you maintain an e-mail account specifically for your SEO profession and promptly let us know if it changes. Changes to your email address can be accomplished through the CWA. If you need assistance, please send your questions to