All course related to Title 25 Chapter 105.

This three-part course provides an introduction to Dam Safety and covers the following topics:

  • Historic Dam Failures
  • Regulations
  • Inspections
  • Maintenance
  • Responding to Emergencies

This tutorial will review the process of obtaining FEMA floodplain map data in either Google Earth, GIS or PDF Maps. 

These presentations provides an over view of the final revisions to the technical guidance Function Based Compensation Protocol (310-2137-001) for compensatory mitigation requirements for impacts to riverine, palustrine and lacustrine aquatic resources.   The purpose is to review the guidance and provide direction to DEP staff for administering the technical guidance and answer any questions regarding the guidance. 

This introductory training will cover several important aspects of the guiding principles that are important to the execution of highly successful restoration projects. The training is presented in four parts: Introduction, Basic Watershed and Ecosystem Functions, Watershed Alterations and Effects, and finally Project Considerations. Completion of this training will provide a good foundation for future trainings that will dive deeper into the topics, research, and DWET program development efforts.

This course is an overview of the DEP's new technical guidance document "Guidance for Developing a Chapter 105 Alternatives Analysis", which is a requirement of the Chapter 105 Environmental Assessment. The course is intended for applicants and consultants. This guidance was published as final in the Pennsylvania Bulletin on Aug 5, 2023 at 53 Pa.B. 4501, and is available on the for download on PA DEP's eLibrary.

This course is a recorded webinar which was given to conservation district staff on 05/21/2020.

The webinar will introduce conservation district staff to the Pennsylvania Natural Heritage Program (PNHP) and Pennsylvania Conservation Explorer, an online tool for conservation planning and environmental review. The tool provides access to biodiversity information, leading to better planning and fewer project impacts on rare, threatened, endangered species and resources of special concern.