FieldDoc is a data management and reporting tool developed by the Chesapeake Commons in partnership with EPA’s Chesapeake Bay Program and Pennsylvania DEP’s Chesapeake Bay Office. Pennsylvania will utilize FieldDoc to support reporting and tracking initiatives that are associated with the Pennsylvania Phase 3 Watershed Implementation Plan and Countywide Action Plans. FieldDoc is built to report implemented Best Management Practices and to track progress and implementation for Countywide Action Plans. This data management tool will be integrated with existing data reporting systems and tools. Users will be instructed on what types of practices are to be reported into FieldDoc. Practices that are not reported in FieldDoc will be captured through the integration of systems and will show in an aggregated form to protect privacy of the data. 

The following videos provide an in depth tutorial on how to successfully use FieldDoc to track and report Best Management Practice implementation. Please watch these videos in sequential order to best understand the data entry process.