This category contains courses and reference materials that are associated with the NPDES Sewage and Industrial Water Permitting Process.

This course is on the use of the DEP Anti-Degradation spreadsheet for NPDES permit limitations.

This course will cover chemical additives for NPDES permits. In this course you will learn what products are considered chemical additives, how to add chemical additives to the DEP Approved Chemical Additives List and when to begin using chemical additives.

30 minute introductory overview of the history of NPDES Permitting in Pennsylvania

Welcome to DEP’s course on the Total Residual Chlorine Spreadsheet. In this course you will learn when the Total Residual Chlorine Spreadsheet should be used, how to enter data into the spreadsheet and how to use the results of the spreadsheet.
This course will show you how to use the DEP Toxics Management Spreadsheet.

This course is on the DEP Water Quality Model version 7.0, also called WQM or WQM 7.0. WQM is used to develop limits for NPDES permits for ammonia, CBOD5 and dissolved oxygen.